The Division War of 24.
We are living in a historic, exciting, and dangerous time.
This is a challenge for America and a global crisis affecting the entire human race.
The Division war that is underway has put brother against sister. We, the people of these United States, have been deceived for far too long. They created tension and war among our civilians by using destructive practices with sex, race, poverty, and Religion, among many other things, by reporting false narratives to plant tension and hostility among the people. Creating a clear and decisive division was no accident.
They divide us on Faith, race, gender, health, and prosperity, allowing us to be heard only if or when it fits their agenda. Recently, with the tools of big tech, they have been filtering out what we do not deserve to see in their eyes—anything that gives us hope or information that goes against them. Or worse, give us the necessary tools to topple the machine.
These very tools are also the downfall of the corruption that has become so blatant. In this instant information age, all the sick and inhumane treatment of our people in America has woken the sleeping Nation, and we are about to rise up.
As we speak, some of the country's most influential and wealthy men and women are coming together to take down this empire that has plagued our Nation for over 50 years and threatens to destroy this country. This corrupt way of law runs very deep into every part of our daily operation as a society. By using entertainment and various sources of media to restrict free speech, they have been able to divide and cripple the very freedoms and beliefs we were founded on. Using the giant corporations that dump vast amounts of money into Congress to ensure the evil practices are allowed to remain in focus. Many people may not even realize that in the 80s, big tobacco companies began buying into huge American food companies. This was by design.
Implementing practices like adding poisons to food and water and making the food we eat addictive by adding certain ingredients are also used. Putting profit before health. Using unsafe ingredients that our bodies were not meant to or even able to digest creates a massive influx of disease. Disease feeds and fuels the pharmacy industry and hospitals nationwide. Sick children are incredibly profitable, sometimes needing lifetime medicine. They address the symptoms of the issue without addressing a cure. Then, heavily promote and price the drugs that will treat the illness but not the progression and prevention in many cases. They leveraged the television networks and continued to pay off the politicians, all to keep us sicker, weaker, poorer, and distracted.
Finally, this is also being brought to light.
Luke 12:2-3 "The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear."
This division war is being fought to keep the power structure that feeds this evil. The very evil that has diminished our focus on the all-mighty God above. This division War is crucial to our eternal survival. Satanic forces are rising up all around us, and it is easy to see that we are in a biblical battle in the current age. This is not Trump against Harris, red against blue, or black against white. This is Christ against Satan. Good versus Evil, Freedom against the actual and remaining true slavery. Oppression, warfare, fear, and DIVISION.
That is why I titled this post The Division War of 24.
 I see a change of power coming.
Our hope lies in transitioning from traditional news to online content creators and free speech platforms. Do you ever wonder why they hate Trump so much, pushing to do anything and everything they can to stop him at all costs? Planting lies, creating stories, and digging up anything the man ever did. A man who, like all before, is flawed and sin-filled. Is he hot-blooded with a foul mouth and disrespectful to some? Yes, he is. Has he made some mistakes in the past? Yes, he has. What does our bible say about forgiveness? If we are to be forgiven for our trespasses, we must also forgive others. I ask you now to forgive the man and look to our future, not his past. Is your hatred for him more vital to you than your love for our country and families here?
Right now, at this very moment, many people are still flooding across our border by the hundreds and thousands, bringing hardships to our land in many ways. The people currently in charge, your democratic leaders, have made it so. They can stop it now and reverse course, and they do not. What makes us believe that they will in November? So far, they have only done a great job dividing people and raising prices. Please don't take my word for it; it runs so deep that even the fact checkers must be checked now. The only way to get to the truth is with the totality of the evidence. We can no longer pull up the news and discover what is happening worldwide. We have to run it through filters. That is why websites like this and other social media like YouTube, X, and TikTok have been valuable for seeking the truth. People share their personal experiences daily, leading to that truth we seek. The last genuinely remaining freedom this planet has is free speech, and it is in danger of censorship as we speak worldwide. Now that we know a particular social media was actively censoring things related to the risks of vaccines, I have to wonder how many people died because of that censorship. Senator Kennedy is speaking up and, more importantly, being allowed to speak up. He has faced a great deal of censorship. Even a post I shared on that particular social media was taken down when it led to him. He confirmed what I always suspected about the vaccines. I personally never thought they were safe and refused to ever get vaccinated. I would have quit any job that mandated it. I watched with the world, scared I also may die like so many because of my asthma, and by God's hand, I am still here with you today, having never caught it at all. I think it was also by God's hand that President Trump is still alive.
Ephesians 6:11 - 13
11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Trump was shot at 6:11; it was a miracle witnessed by millions!
Too much of a coincidence is not a coincidence.
The world is being divided; look around and see.
Arkansas is taking a stand on the real threat to women's rights, and it's not abortion. Texas is taking a stand on the borders. Colorado, Seattle Washington
Chicago, New York, and many other cities have experienced the effects of the migrants.
They are being put in shelters that displace our children's schools, all while leaving veterans homeless on the street.
When our cities and states start going against our government, we are divided.
Divided, we will fall.
Kamala can not and will not win because she is on the wrong side of humanity!
Congress must be repaired and held accountable so this never happens again!
Before this is over, I think we will see more riots and protests, no matter who wins the election. Then, I think we will see order restored and a new kind of peace and prosperity in this beautiful country I love.
Why do I think that?
Because In God We Trust
If you agree with what you read here, please share this. Let's all finally come together, end this division war, and be at peace with each other once and for all. God Bless America and this beautiful planet we live on!